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The 19 Best Guidance On How To Do Newborn Photography

Taking pictures of newborn baby is the only area of photography where the snapper needs to have the happiness of the subject as the main criteria. Parents play a great role in newborn photography as they can hold the baby or they can put the baby to sleep during the photo sessions. 

   So, are you bringing home, a newborn and want to take pictures of the baby? or you want to take newborn photography as a profession? This baby photography guide will explain you everything you need to know and master about newborn photography. 

Get Ready with Camera

Ready with Camera

Newborn photoshoot is not an easy task as most of the newborns cannot move, and therefore they stay where you set them. The camera should have the right settings such as wide range of ISO and appropriate shutter speeds. And to help you with low light, camera lenses should be equipped with different types of apertures. For best baby photography, you can try out DSLRs and mirrorless cameras as these cameras have the capability to shoot various moods of the babies. You can use camera’s silent shutter feature while clicking baby pics. The flashpoint reflector is another excellent feature for reducing dark shadows when taking newborn pictures in natural light.


To make sure the baby is comfortable, it is always better to set the location of the baby photoshoot in your home. The baby feels comfortable as the baby already knows the location, plus you have all the props that you need is at home, saving time. Moreover, as an alternative for false, cheesy smiles against a background, snappers are willing to capture genuine emotions of the baby and parents in home-based surroundings. This helps the sessions to be more comfortable and spontaneous, catching the emotion of the family with their new baby. And these types of baby photoshoot sessions give the user lots of diversity, and they make amazing albums. The main criteria that the photographers look for, is a room with lots of natural light from windows as more natural light will give you better baby pics. Prevent using flash and lights as their eyes are more sensitive to light.

Camera Settings

The DSLR or mirrorless cameras with large sensors and more advanced controls are perfect for newborn photography. In baby photography, you should consider the exposure settings i.e. shutter speed or the length of the exposure, aperture, as well as ISO or the sensitivity of the camera sensor. Photographers should also be concerned about settings such as white balance, JPEG or RAW formats as well as focus settings. 

Everyday Props

The best time to take sleepy baby photos is between 7 and 14 days of age. But as babies are always changing their position, it is better to take photos on a regular basis. The best way to take new photos of baby is by using a huge range of props that will help the photographer to be versatile. And more the props, the better as it will allow you to take numerous unique newborn pics. 

  Safety Tips for props

  Safety is a must for props. You must ensure that the props are well-built and safe. Make sure that the prop is large enough so that the newborn can be placed inside without any constraining circulation. Also ensure that the props do not cause any irritation to the delicate newborn skin. And therefore, should use a blanket between the prop and the baby to keep the baby relaxed. Props like hats, pants and headbands should fit the baby without any gaping and looking not too big or too small.

Planning Photoshoot

Planning Photoshoot

New photos of babies must be planned effectively. First you should know the feeding and nap times of the baby to be able to take pictures of them. And for baby photography, knowing baby’s age is equally important. The newborns are easier to pose. You must co-ordinate between the direction of light and the direction it will fall in your baby’s face beforehand. While taking snaps, you must stand directly above the baby as that will be provide you with a better angle.  And if you wish to involve siblings in your photoshoot, you should click group shots first.

Newborn Photography Outfits

Babies have no choice on their own. So, as an infant photographer, you should focus on colours. You can select clothes that have pastel or neutral colours as these shades signify purity and serenity. Colours such as soft blue, soft pink, white, beige and navy go well for newborn photo clothes. And if you want to include parents as a part of the baby photoshoot, then you can ask them to wear colours that match the newborn’s dress. Animal costumes, fluffy and frilled clothes are also very popular in baby photography. Rompers are easy to put on and take off the baby, so you can try photoshoot with these. 

Select the Right Temperature

Naked babies might catch cold. So, one of the most crucial tips for parents for a productive newborn baby pics session is to keep the baby warm. Therefore, set the temperature in the house to an 80 degrees Fahrenheit about half an hour before the photo session starts. You can keep space heaters on if you would wish as warm temperature will help your baby to stay asleep and happy.

Feeding and Breaks

Newborns will need feeding breaks all through the newborn photoshoot, particularly if they are a little picky and upset. The trick is to give them a quick meal together with some snuggling and that will make the baby ready to hit the limelight again. Feeding times also allow the photographers to catch some of the most cozy moments between mom and baby. But it is recommended to feed the baby before your photo session so that they can sleep. Give them warm milk so that they remain happy as hungry babies wake up frequently and cry a lot. Another recommendation is to keep blankets, extra wipes, diapers, and trash bags handy for quick clean ups. 


Baby photoshoot is incomplete without adorable baby outfits. And therefore, it is advisable, to prep them up with about two to three wardrobe changes for an hour-long photo session. It is a good idea to include bloomers or some sort of diaper cover if you wish to click photos with a diaper. Blankets and pillows also can create soft fillings for basket-like items and can be wrapped on couches for added texture and colour.

Get Candid pictures of Siblings

Candid pictures of Siblings

The best way to include siblings into newborn baby pics is to take some candid pics. Forcing them to sit and smile while holding a newborn baby cannot be guaranteed. And if the sibling is young and not ready to hold baby, you can have them to lie on the bed next to your newborn and you can get them to interact with baby, by asking them questions. And if the sibling is older and can hold baby in their lap, try giving them an assignment, like reading baby a book. If the sibling is hesitant to participate, you can tell them to hold a comfort item, such a blanket, doll, or any statue. 

Get Extra Help

When you decide to include a toddler to be there during a newborn photoshoot, just make sure there is someone to help the photographer, whether it is a grandparent or family friend, or babysitter as toddlers do not sit at one place and they need somebody other than parents available to play with the child when they want a slight break.

Do Photoshoots in stages

When you hire a professional photographer, they can take newborn pictures in a couple of hours but instead of taking your newborn photos all in one go, you can plan to take them over the course of few days. It really becomes tiresome to spend some hours at a stretch. So, it is recommended that you set aside a few minutes each day to take a couple of photos, and then over a few days you will have a great collection of pics. And you and your newborn will look fresh too. 

Do not expect a Perfect Picture

We all want perfect photos, but you have to keep in mind that newborn photoshoots do not always go as intended. Give up on perfection and just enjoy the photoshoot and capture the moment. Just imagine the details of baby that you want to remember and capture those pics. Focus for relationships and emotion. After few years, these images will become precious to you. 

Use a Tripod

If you are taking pictures on your own, it is better to use tripod. Once you set up, get everyone in the frame and set your timer. Make sure you get the whole thing set up before you bring your kids into the shot so they do not get bored while you are trying to figure out the best angle. And to get a genuine smile from everyone, try tingling or crack a funny joke. And if it is just you and your newborn, hold their hand, feed them, rub their head, count their toes as these little gestures will make your shot look more natural.

Edit photos which you think needs Polishing

Are you little tensed for not taking good pics or there was not enough light in the room? Do not panic as a little editing can help you to get stunning pics. There is numerous editing software that will help you to edit the pics and make your pics as you want. Editing software will polish your pics. 

Get the Close-Up Pictures

Close-Up Pictures

Do not forget to capture the details of your baby. Capturing close ups of newborn’s small hands, feet, mouth and eyes are a must. You can click pics of baby’s arm, umbilical cord, leg rolls, double chin, and peach fuzz on their shoulders and ears if you want. 

Photography Contracts

A baby photography contract guarantees both parties to retain their legal rights. It also makes sure that neither side can do anything beyond the contract and what was agreed upon. The contract can be based on sharing or editing images. And when the contract is not followed, each side bears the risk of legal action. The contract needs a notary for efficacy. Each side should be allowed to share the pictures. 

Experiment with different angles and perspectives

Be patient while setting up for baby shoots. Do not rush to modify your setup or change the position your baby. Instead try to get up and walk around your baby to observe what exclusive angles you can while taking photographs. You can try going behind your baby and shoot some pictures from the shadowed side and who knows you might end up with a picture that you will love for the rest of your life. Experiment with all possible angles and viewpoints before moving the baby to a new pose or frame. This is the easiest way to get variety out of a single pose that you will cherish lifelong.

Enjoy Newborn Photography in Nature

If weather permits, take your baby out of the home and into nature and you will get some incredibly beautiful and exceptional newborn baby pics. Being out there in nature opens up a whole new space of prospects and innovative freedom that you may not have shooting at home. You can take along some easy props to put baby in and have fun shooting pics

Baby photography is more intricate than any kind of portrait photos and takes some time and practice to master. It is very important to always put safety of the newborn first and being open to the uniqueness of each baby. Then you will begin to have fun snapping newborns and get the cute and nice qualities of babies on camera. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of newborn photography. 

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