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Dentist in kolkata

A solution to dental problems |Dr. Ankur Nandi

Amidst taking care of our physical health and fitness, one thing that we often fail to maintain is our oral hygiene and the dental problems arising out of it. We limit ourselves to brushing our teeth during the morning. We don’t treat them well, yet we expect our teeth will serve us well lifelong. This misconception is being busted here. If you do not take good care of your teeth, you cannot expect the same back; you will have swollen gums, oral cavities, and unbearable pain at times due to it.

Common dental problems:

Some of the most familiar dental problems that one may encounter in life are listed below-

  • Bad breath is the most frequently encountered problem that is caused due to lack of oral hygiene, and we seem to ignore it. In scientific terms, it is called halitosis. Using a mouthwash every time you have bad breath is a temporary fix. It is not a proper solution. You must visit a dentist if you are having a chronic problem of bad breath.
  • Oral cavities arise when there is plaque formation on the teeth. It is a result of eating sticky food and sweets. It is not limited to any individual age. You might get it anytime no matter how old or young you are. However, during the adult days, it is much more persistent.
  • Periodontal disease is an infection on the gums; it generally arises due to smoking and is more evident during the mid-ages like the 30s. In severe cases, gums might bleed, with pain experienced during chewing, along with the bad breath.
  • Tooth sensitivity is a widespread dental problem that most adults develop. You will experience discomfort while you have anything hot or cold.
Dental Problems

All of these can be prevented if you start taking care of your teeth from an early age. Else, you may have to end up at a dental surgery table.

Our Expert:

According to Dr. Ankur Nandi, one of the best dentists in Kolkata, people are afraid of availing themselves of dental services. This makes their dental condition even worse; we never try to curb it from the point it starts. We let it fester, and it ends up becoming something that we dread. She also added that on a measuring scale dental pain is the most excruciating one after the pain of child labor. It is not at all a small matter, and it must be treated promptly and by the best.

Important guidelines for dental care:

A few undertakings that must be carried forward, as stated by the best dentists around the world, are listed below for you to follow-

  • Eat a balanced diet. While planning the diet, along with your health, also keep in mind that it must be friendly to your teeth. 
  • It would be best if you quit smoking as it increases the chances of acquiring gum disease.
  • Replace your old toothbrush every 3-6 months.
  • Floss regularly so that the food you eat won’t make plaque formation on your teeth.

You can follow these regulations to ensure your dental health is as good as your physical health. You surely don’t want to leave a wrong impression on your friends and family with bad breath.

Help is here:

Dr. Ankur Nandi has been practicing dentistry for 16 years now, and she has a lot of experience in her bag. It allows her to help her patients who are facing issues with their teeth and gums. She feels the best when she can provide instant relief to her patients with the help of medication and other dental services. She elaborates her experience by stating that the highest amount of satisfaction she gets is when she has been able to relieve her patients of the pain they came in with. 

Types of dental services

Dr. Nandi has established herself in this field with many struggles; she completed her post-graduation after getting married. She has worked wholeheartedly to maintain a balance between her career and her family. But she says that it all pays off when she sees her patients’ happiness. Dr. Nandi specializes in orthodontia via which she can provide aesthetic relief, which severely boosts up the morale of her patients; they feel confident in their smiles. Dr. Nandi feels delighted that she has been able to be a part of their smile and joy.


Furthermore, Dr. Ankur Nandi has highlighted, during these times of dire needs, people are forgetting to take care of their teeth. They are much busier in the whereabouts of the world. However, we must not forget the need to keep up with our oral hygiene. It will ensure that a new problem does not arise. Here are some of the practices that she has suggested-

  • You must brush twice daily. It is vital to cleanse your teeth before bedtime. This way bacteria are not able to cultivate in the leftover chunks of food stuck to your teeth. It reduces the bacterial load and also helps prevent most dental problems like bad breath, cavities.
  • Mouthwash once daily is a step that will take hardly 30 seconds from your schedule. It will go a long way in sustaining your teeth and gums.
  • Just like you go to a doctor once a year for a routine check-up, you also must book an appointment and visit a dentist at least once a year for a check-up. This will allow you to catch a severe disease, if any, at its initial stage. And as it will get diagnosed early, it will lead to a speedy recovery and less hassle.
  • Having a scaling done once a year will make your gums a lot better. It will help your oral hygiene and get rid of all your dental problems right from the roots.

“People think brushing vigorously for a shorter period of time will get the beautiful teeth. In reality, you should take a little time and brush thoroughly and gently. Your gums are susceptible, and you must treat them that way. Also, make sure to use a toothbrush with soft bristles on them. You don’t want to hurt your gums,” Dr. Ankur Nandi.

Hope is here…

If you have any queries regarding dental health issues, feel free to reach out to LuvKolkata.com. Write to us at luvkolkata@writingsouls.com and we will be happy to get a solution to your query from Dr.Ankur Nandi. Your anonymity will be maintained at all times and there are no fees chargeable by us. We wish to create a healthy environment for everyone where they can become happy, healthy, and live life peacefully. They can have a life full of joy and prosperity. Our attempt to create an Experts column is for this purpose, and this purpose alone.

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