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Girl standing on teh beach looking at the rising sun. Life

“What Is Life…” thoughts of a 17-year-old

LIFE, which is majorly ‘messed up’ for most people as they say, is truly enthralling for me. Particularly the last year, full of surprises with ups and downs, but still teaching me a lot. It taught me the worth of all those things which weren’t a lot valuable to me, until I lost them. It taught me how to keep up with failures, changing scenarios, and circumstances I had not faced ever. 

Life: It can knock you down sometimes

Last year, first day of school, seeing all my batch mates move ahead when I had to stay back, wasn’t so easy for me. I barely knew people and I felt like a German Shephard in between all the Golden Retrievers, but I had bigger problems to think about. You will rarely find a 17yrs-year-old Indian girl, belonging to a middle-class family, worrying about how to earn or even being aware of the financial situation of the family.

The Silver Lining

But life taught me how to pave way for myself in the world without depending on anyone. Being a teenager with a flickering mind, I was trusted to make decisions all by myself. I learned how to defend my decisions, and face the consequences of all the wrong ones. 

Positive quote on a hart shaped wall- hanging
Positive Quotes About Life: They help learn the Positive from the Negative Circumstances; Hang One on Your Wall

Life’s also taught me that it isn’t always negative and it balances itself and comes back to equilibrium, however hard the situation may be. Between all those Golden Retrievers out there I found a few who are now my constant support.

It taught me that whatever happens, happens for a reason and even though it feels like the worst possible thing that could ever happen to you, in the end, it’s for the best and you’re always going to make it through. It’s not just about getting friends, earning, and going through puberty; it’s also about ‘Living’.

It doesn’t matter what is the size of the dog in the fight, what matters is the size of the fight in the dog

You always don’t get what you want, sometimes you need to deal with situations according to the present circumstance and what you think might be the best for you. It taught me to give my best in anything I do because there are opportunities waiting for you at every step of your life and it’s best to grab them.

Do what you love. Be who you wish to be. Eat whatever you want. These are my quotes about life as of today.

Just make sure that it doesn’t hurt anyone else and keeps you happy. It might feel like a roller coaster ride, but for all those who think it’s ‘messed up’, it’s actually very unputdownable. So, just follow your passion and live it because this is all you have, and what you want is way more. 

Also Read: What does a true-blue Kolkatan feel about her annual trip to the City of Joy

Suggested Reading: 10 Tips to become Mentally Stronger

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